Automator replacing character with apple script or shell script Automator replacing character with apple script or shell script shell shell

Automator replacing character with apple script or shell script


set myString to "This\\is\\my\\string" -- really This\is\my\stringset {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, "\\"}set myString to text items of myStringset text item delimiters to "/"set myString to myString as textset text item delimiters to TIDreturn myString


set input to "This\\is\\my\\string" -- really This\is\my\stringset output to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of input & " | sed 's/[\\]/\\//g'"

As far as I know, it is no longer necessary to restore text item delimiters, so adayzdone's example can be simplified to something like this:

set s to "aa\\bb\\cc"set text item delimiters to "\\"set ti to text items of sset text item delimiters to "/"ti as text -- "aa/bb/cc"

do shell script uses /bin/sh, which is a version of bash that starts in POSIX mode and has a few other changes as well. One of them is that xpg_echo is enabled by default, so that echo interprets escape sequences like \t:

do shell script "echo " & quoted form of "ss\\tt" & " | xxd -p" -- "737309740a"

You can just use printf %s instead:

do shell script "printf %s " & quoted form of "ss\\tt" & "|tr \\\\ /" -- "s/t"

If you don't add a without altering line endings specifier, do shell script converts line endings to CR and chomps one newline from the end of the output.

@Lauri Ranta's do shell script pointers are helpful, but a simple variation of the original command does the trick:

Even though do shell script invokes bash as sh and therefore in a mode it calls 'POSIX mode', many bash-specific features are still available, among them the so called here-string to feed a string directly to a command via stdin, e.g.: cat <<<'Print this':

Thus, by using a here-string - passed with quoted form of from AppleScript, which is always advisable - the echo problem is bypassed:

# Sample input.set input to "a\\\\b" # equivalent of" 'a\\b'# Remove all `\` characters; returns 'ab'set input to (do shell script "sed 's/\\\\//g' <<<" & quoted form of input)

Alternative, using tr -d instead of sed:

 set input to (do shell script "tr -d '\\\\' <<<" & quoted form of input)