AWS S3 ListBucketResult pagination without authentication? AWS S3 ListBucketResult pagination without authentication? shell shell

AWS S3 ListBucketResult pagination without authentication?

#!/bin/sh# setting max-keys higher than 1000 is not effectives3url=$s3urlwhile :; do    curl -s $s3get > "listing$i.xml"    nextkey=$(xml sel -T -N "w=$s3ns" -t \        --if '/w:ListBucketResult/w:IsTruncated="true"' \        -v 'str:encode-uri(/w:ListBucketResult/w:Contents[last()]/w:Key, true())' \        -b -n "listing$i.xml")    # -b -n adds a newline to the result unconditionally,     # this avoids the "no XPaths matched" message; $() drops newlines.    if [ -n "$nextkey" ] ; then        s3get=$s3url"&marker=$nextkey"        i=$((i+1))    else        break    fidone