Bash script: Get XML elements into array using xmllint Bash script: Get XML elements into array using xmllint shell shell

Bash script: Get XML elements into array using xmllint

A Bash solution could be

let itemsCount=$(xmllint --xpath 'count(//item/description)' /tmp/so.xml)declare -a description=( )for (( i=1; i <= $itemsCount; i++ )); do     description[$i]="$(xmllint --xpath '//item['$i']/description' /tmp/so.xml)"doneecho ${description[@]}


Consider that bash may not be the right tool. XSLT/XPath could give you direct access to the content of the description element as describe in previous answer. For instance:

xmllint --xpath '//item/description/text()' /tmp/so.xml

Return every <description> content