Calculate difference in months between two dates in Unix? Calculate difference in months between two dates in Unix? shell shell

Calculate difference in months between two dates in Unix?

How about:

#!/bin/bashDATE1=201712DATE2=201801y1=${DATE1:0:4}m1=${DATE1:4:2}y2=${DATE2:0:4}m2=${DATE2:4:2}diff=$(( ($y2 - $y1) * 12 + (10#$m2 - 10#$m1) ))echo $diff

I have prepared the following bash function for you let me know if it is clear:

#!/usr/bin/env bashDATE1=201712DATE2=201801function dateDiffMonth() {    local y1=$(date -d "$1""01" '+%Y') # extract the year from your date1    local y2=$(date -d "$2""01" '+%Y') # extract the year from your date2    local m1=$(date -d "$1""01" '+%m') # extract the month from your date1    local m2=$(date -d "$2""01" '+%m') # extract the month from your date2    echo $(( ($y2 - $y1) * 12 + (10#$m2 - 10#$m1) )) #compute the months difference 12*year diff+ months diff -> 10# force the shell to interpret the following number in base-10}RESULT=`dateDiffMonth $DATE1 $DATE2`echo "there is a gap of $RESULT months betwen $DATE2 and $DATE1"