Check the date and time entered by user in UNIX Check the date and time entered by user in UNIX shell shell

Check the date and time entered by user in UNIX

You could use the unix date tool to parse and verify it for you, and test the return code e.g.

A valid date, return code of 0:

joel@bohr:~$ date -d "12/12/2000 13:00"Tue Dec 12 13:00:00 GMT 2000joel@bohr:~$ echo $?0

An invalid date, return code 1:

joel@bohr:~$ date -d "13/12/2000 13:00"date: invalid date `13/12/2000 13:00'joel@bohr:~$ echo $?1

You can vary the input format accepted by date by using the +FORMAT option (man date)

Putting it all together as a little script:

usrdate=$1date -d "$usrdate"  > /dev/null 2>&1if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then        echo "Date $usrdate was valid"else        echo "Date $usrdate was invalid"fi

You could use grep to check that the input conforms to the correct format:

if ! echo "$INPUT" | grep -q 'PATTERN'; then   # handle input errorfi

where PATTERN is a regular expressino that matches all valid inputs and only valid inputs. I leave constructing that pattern to you ;-).

(Late answer)

Something that you can use:

...DATETIME=$1#validate datetime..tmp=`date -d "$DATETIME" 2>&1` ; #return is: "date: invalid date `something'"if [ "${tmp:6:7}" == "invalid" ]; then    echo "Invalid datetime: $DATETIME" ;else    ... valid datetime, do something with it