Continuing shell script execution after SSHing into guest machine? Continuing shell script execution after SSHing into guest machine? shell shell

Continuing shell script execution after SSHing into guest machine?

This solved it. It's kind of hacky, but running

vagrant up && vagrant ssh -- -t 'cd /vagrant/rails_tutorial/sample_app; /bin/bash' gets you in. For some reason vagrant keeps kicking you out if you don't launch the shell.

vagrant ssh -- allows you to pass commands into the SSH client. This is vagrant's own utility. The next flag, -t is an SSH flag and it allows SSH to execute certain commands before it hands control back to you. You put your command after the -t flag, but make sure to end it with <last command> ; /bin/bash so that it launches a shell for you and you don't get kicked out.

you can also use Heredoc to run the commands after you ssh by using something similar to this in your script:

# Use heredoc to send script over ssh$ssh_cmd << 'END_DOC'cd <path>commandsexitEND_DOCecho $ssh_cmd