Create multiple tar.gz archives from multiple directories Create multiple tar.gz archives from multiple directories shell shell

Create multiple tar.gz archives from multiple directories

Without find:

for dir in */; do tar -czvf "${dir%/}".tar.gz "$dir"; done

where */ makes sure that the glob only matches directories, and "${dir%/}" removes the trailing slash from directory names.

If there are hidden directories, they're not matched by */; do get those as well, we can use shopt -s dotglob.

With GNU find:

cd /Users/Me/Projectsfind . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec tar -cvzf {}.tgz {} \;

After some searching and a bit trial/error, I came up with this script to programmatically accomplish what I was trying to do.

#! /bin/sh    for dir in `find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | sed 's|./||'`    do        tar -czvf /Path/To/Place/Created/Archives/$dir.tar.gz /Path/To/Directories/$dir;    done

Going again off the example I gave in the question, the script would look like this assuming I wanted to create the archives in my Documents folder.

#! /bin/sh    for dir in `find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | sed 's|./||'`    do        tar -czvf /Users/Me/Documents/$dir.tar.gz /Users/Me/Projects/$dir;    done


After some further research, it seems that the answer given by Benjamin W. is the most straight forward way to do this. I was hoping to find a way which would strip spaces from the newly created archive names to avoid any possible issues on other file systems, and while the method I described does strip white space, it had a few snags I kept running into.