Custom Oh My Zsh theme: long prompts disappear / cut off Custom Oh My Zsh theme: long prompts disappear / cut off shell shell

Custom Oh My Zsh theme: long prompts disappear / cut off

Incidentally, your link is broken, highlighting one of the issues with posting a link to code instead of code itself - any future viewers of your question can't get a full picture.

I think your problem is that the 'color' characters you use should be escaped in a pair of %{...%}:

%{...%}Include  a string as a literal escape sequence.  The string within the bracesshould not change the cursor position.  Brace pairs can nest.

Using your latest commit on github, I don't see this issue - did you fix it? However, I'm seeing some issues with cursor placement and line-drawing, particularly with TAB. When pressing TAB, the cursor is moved up one line:

enter image description herePressed TAB here. enter image description herePressed TAB here. enter image description here

The PROMPT is being re-drawn 'up' one line every time. This is fixed by encapsulating the color codes within the %{...%}:

# Solarized Dark colour schemeBOLD="%{$(tput bold)%}"RESET="%{$(tput sgr0)%}"SOLAR_YELLOW="%{$(tput setaf 136)%}"SOLAR_ORANGE="%{$(tput setaf 166)%}"SOLAR_RED="%{$(tput setaf 124)%}"SOLAR_MAGENTA="%{$(tput setaf 125)%}"SOLAR_VIOLET="%{$(tput setaf 61)%}"SOLAR_BLUE="%{$(tput setaf 33)%}"SOLAR_CYAN="%{$(tput setaf 37)%}"SOLAR_GREEN="%{$(tput setaf 64)%}"SOLAR_WHITE="%{$(tput setaf 254)%}"

I'm not 100% sure without the original ~/.zshrc, but this should improve your prompt a little. :)

Apart from the orange, you can also use a terminal-based Solarized profile and the zsh colors, which might be more portable. I couldn't get the orange right without tput, though.

#autoload colors && colors#SOLAR_YELLOW="%{$fg[yellow]%}"#SOLAR_ORANGE="%{$(tput setaf 166)%}"#SOLAR_RED="%{$fg[red]%}"#SOLAR_MAGENTA="%{$fg[magenta]%}"#SOLAR_VIOLET="%{$fg_bold[magenta]%}"#SOLAR_BLUE="%{$fg[blue]%}"#SOLAR_CYAN="%{$fg[cyan]%}"#SOLAR_GREEN="%{$fg[green]%}"#SOLAR_WHITE="%{$fg[white]%}"