Customize colors for __git_ps1 with GIT_PS1_SHOWCOLORHINTS Customize colors for __git_ps1 with GIT_PS1_SHOWCOLORHINTS shell shell

Customize colors for __git_ps1 with GIT_PS1_SHOWCOLORHINTS

The colours shown by __git_ps1 for dirty branches don't affect the branch name; they affect the "dirty state indicator". In addition to enabling colours, if you enable this indicator you will see a red asterisk for a dirty branch:

old-prompt $ bash --noprofile --norcbash-4.2$ source /etc/bash_completion.d/git-promptbash-4.2$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWCOLORHINTS=1bash-4.2$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=1bash-4.2$ export PROMPT_COMMAND='__git_ps1 "\u@\h:\w" "\\\$ "'chris@machine:~/path/to/dir (master *)$

There is no way to change the colour of the branch name based on dirty status without modifying the code, or providing your own function.

Note that this works with export PROMPT_COMMAND but not export PS1.

I was able to achieve a decent solution by:
1. Cloning the latest git source, to obtain and install a recent (Your distro may already have an up-to-date script)
2. Removing the check that is stopping the script from inserting color codes in the output string.
3. Altering my .bashrc to include a call to __git_ps1 with some formatting options to alter my terminal prompt text.

Commit and documentation, including specific files and edits I made:

Now, my console has all of the information I wanted: I can open a terminal, and cd into any git repo:
$ cd ~/Github/gituser@hostname:~/Github/git:(master)$ # 'master' is green

And the when I checkout a hash, and move into a detached head state:
$ git checkout bca18110user@hostname:~/Github/git:(bca1811...)$ # the commit hash is red

I needed to follow this answer: to have bash properly re-interpret the color codes after each command, but my terminal is intact, linewrapping still works, and my prompt is colored the way I wanted!