Display php output on a txt file Linux command line Display php output on a txt file Linux command line shell shell

Display php output on a txt file Linux command line

If your blacklist.php writes output to standard output, you can run your PHP script like this

php blacklist.php > blacklist.txt

We can do it using file_put_contents

<?phpfile_put_contents('blacklist.txt ', file_get_contents('blacklist.php'));  ?>

Another alternative: Use exec()

<?phpexec ('php blacklist.php', $output); file_put_contents('blacklist.txt', $output); ?>

Another alternative:Output redirection to a text file using Command line

In Windows:

C:\xampp\php>php C:\xampp\htdocs\blacklist.php >blacklist.txt

In Linux:

$ php blacklist.php >blacklist.txt

You can use file_put_contents():

file_put_contents('your file', 'your data')