Do a tail -F until matching a pattern Do a tail -F until matching a pattern shell shell

Do a tail -F until matching a pattern

Use tail's --pid option and tail will stop when the shell dies. No need to add extra to the tailed file.

sh -c 'tail -n +0 --pid=$$ -f /tmp/foo | { sed "/EOF/ q" && kill $$ ;}'

Try this:

sh -c 'tail -n +0 -f /tmp/foo | { sed "/EOF/ q" && kill $$ ;}'

The whole command-line will exit as soon as the "EOF" string is seen in /tmp/foo.

There is one side-effect: the tail process will be left running (in the background) until anything is written to /tmp/foo.

I've not results with the solution:

sh -c 'tail -n +0 -f /tmp/foo | { sed "/EOF/ q" && kill $$ ;}'

There is some issue related with the buffer because if there aren't more lines appended to the file, then sed will not read the input. So, with a little more research i came up with this:

sed '/EOF/q' <(tail -n 0 -f /tmp/foo)

The script is in