Efficient way to find to compare lines of two huge but sorted files Efficient way to find to compare lines of two huge but sorted files shell shell

Efficient way to find to compare lines of two huge but sorted files

Assuming - as you state - that files are sorted (I did not test it, but it should work)

FILE1_POS = 0FILE2_POS = 1MAX_POS = 2missing = []get_rec_no = lambda l, f=FILE1_POS: int(l.split(None, MAX_POS)[f])with open('File1') as source, open('File2') as trgt:    trgt = iter(trgt)    for line in source:        src_rec_no = get_rec_no(line)        try:            trgt_rec_no = get_rec_no(trgt.next(), FILE2_POS)            while trgt_rec_no < src_rec_no:               missing.append(src_rec_no)               trgt_rec_no = get_rec_no(trgt.next(), FILE2_POS)         except StopIteration:            break    for line in source:        missing.append(get_rec_no(line))


I changed by you request

If you are having problems because of performance, you may want to look into using something like Hadoop/MapReduce to split the files into a number of smaller files, and then you can run each subprocess on different processors to achieve speedup.

As a simple example, of splitting the file in two, you could have a subfile which contained all the keys between [A-M], [M-Z]. In this way if you know the key from one file, you know which subfile to search for its possible match. In theory, you will have cut the search time in half if you split the files in two (however, not exactly in half because there is overhead involved).

Basically, the programming would involved writing a mapper.py and a reducer.py. If you're not familiar with Hadoop/MapReduce, there are many good tutorials on setting up a MapReduce job in Python, but the one I would suggest is the Udacity course called "Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce" which solves some similar problems using Python and MapReduce.

Also, you may want to consider editing your tags to include Hadoop MapReduce, in which case you could get some more specific help on writing the mapper.py and reducer.py.

The fact that the files are of a different length doesn't exclude an awk solution. Taking your two inputs:

 [ damien $] cat file1cat: file1: No such file or directory [ damien $] cat file1.txt1  robert  youh  xpla@ioaio.fr2  patrick  yuad  qqqq@ioaio.fr3  bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr8  tim  qqjh  hjahj@uayua.com9  john  ajkajk  rtaeraer@auiaui.com [ damien $] cat file2.txt1  baby  france  paris2  father  usa  detroit3  mother  uk  london4  baby  italy  milan [ damien $] 

consider the following script:

 [ damien $] cat n_join.awk#!/usr/bin/gawk -fNR==FNR{  #  file2[$1]=$0;   file2[$1]=1;}NR!=FNR{    if(!($1 in file2)){# print current record if not in file2        print ;    }else{# if $1 from file1 has been found.# if it's really unique in file1, it# can be deleted from file2. Otherwise# comment this line:        delete file2[$1];    }} [ damien $]

which gives the output:

[ damien $] chmod +x n_join.awk [ damien $] ./n_join.awk file2.txt file1.txt8  tim  qqjh  hjahj@uayua.com9  john  ajkajk  rtaeraer@auiaui.com [ damien $]

note that file2.txt must be passed in first. I have no ideaa if this will work on a file that's 2 million lines long, but would be interested to know if you have the time to try it. :)

If you can make the files available (unlikely), I'll try it myself... :D

EDIT: I understand that you've accepted your answer and have probably moved on with your life, however, I would like to add in some additional information.

If I create two large files of the type that you specify: file1.bit.txt containing 5 million records:

 [ damien $] seq 1 1 5000000 > file1.big.txt [ damien $] sed -i 's|$| bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr|' file1.big.txt [ damien $] head file1.big.txt1 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr2 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr3 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr5 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr6 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr7 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr8 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr9 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr10 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr [ damien $] tail file1.big.txt4999991 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999992 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999993 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999994 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999995 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999996 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999997 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999998 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999999 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr5000000 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr [ damien $] [ damien $] [ damien $] [ damien $]


[ damien $] [ damien $] seq 2 2 5000000 > file2.big.txt [ damien $]  sed -i 's|$| baby  france  paris|' file2.big.txt [ damien $] head file2.big.txt2 baby  france  paris4 baby  france  paris6 baby  france  paris8 baby  france  paris10 baby  france  paris12 baby  france  paris14 baby  france  paris16 baby  france  paris18 baby  france  paris20 baby  france  paris [ damien $] tail file2.big.txt4999982 baby  france  paris4999984 baby  france  paris4999986 baby  france  paris4999988 baby  france  paris4999990 baby  france  paris4999992 baby  france  paris4999994 baby  france  paris4999996 baby  france  paris4999998 baby  france  paris5000000 baby  france  paris [ damien $]

with only even numbered keys. Running my script gives:

 [ damien $] [ damien $] time ./n_join.awk file2.big.txt file1.big.txt > output.bigreal    0m4.154suser    0m3.893ssys     0m0.207s [ damien $] [ damien $] head output.big1 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr3 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr5 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr7 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr9 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr11 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr13 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr15 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr17 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr19 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr [ damien $] tail output.big4999981 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999983 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999985 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999987 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999989 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999991 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999993 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999995 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999997 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr4999999 bob  fsgfq  ddd@ioaio.fr [ damien $] wc -l output.big2500000 output.big [ damien $]

where the whole thing completes in about 4 seconds, which doesn't seem at all prohibitive. Either there's a big difference in the data sets or your script operated significantly differently to mine. Maybe this is useful to somebody. :/

Ps. I have a i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz according to /proc/cpuinfo