Executing script on receiving incoming connection with xinetd Executing script on receiving incoming connection with xinetd shell shell

Executing script on receiving incoming connection with xinetd

service testservice{    port            = 5900    socket_type     = stream    protocol        = tcp    wait            = no    user            = root    server          = /usr/bin/testscript.sh           server_args     = test} 

You're right, I couldn't get yours to work. The above seemed to.

Make sure that testscript.sh is set +x and at the top contains #!/bin/sh (in your example it does appear that way)

It works perfectly fine for me trying on localhost. Can you do a

tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep xinetd 

while restarting the xinetd service?Also try running nc on the same host where you have xinetd and see if it works on localhost.