exit function stack without exiting shell exit function stack without exiting shell shell shell

exit function stack without exiting shell

To exit the function stack without exiting shell one can use the command:

kill -INT $$

As pizza stated, this is like pressing Ctrl-C, which will stop the current script from running and drop you down to the command prompt.



Note: the only reason I didn't select pizza's answer is because this was buried in his/her answer and not answered directly.

you can do a

exit() { return $1;}


source ./your_script 

In answer to the skeptics, this only affect the current shell, it does not affect shells you spawn.

The more informative form can be

exit() {    local ans    local line    read -p "You really want to exit this? " line    ans=$(echo $line)    case "$ans" in            Y);;            y);;            *)kill -INT $$;;    esac    unset -f exit    exit $1}

You'll need to add return statements to each of your functions to check the return value of any functions they call in turn. Sourcing a file is like cutting and pasting the code into the current context, with the minor exception of variables like $BASH_SOURCE.

Alternatively you could define fn as a shell script, so that exit will do what you want (unless a fork is too expensive).