Extracting part of a string on jenkins pipeline Extracting part of a string on jenkins pipeline shell shell

Extracting part of a string on jenkins pipeline

In this case, it looks like using a few Groovy/Java methods on the String can extract the parts.

final beforeColon = url.substring(0, url.indexOf(':'))  // git@github.comfinal afterLastSlash = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, url.length()) // project/access-server-pd.git

This uses a few different methods:

You do need to be careful about the code you use in your pipeline. If it is sandboxed it will run in a protected domain where every invocation is security checked. For example, the whitelist in the Script Security Plugin whitelists all of the calls used above (for example, method java.lang.String lastIndexOf java.lang.String).

Performing String manipulation in your pipeline code is perfectly reasonable as you might make decisions and change your orchestration based on it.