How can we get weekday based on given date in unix How can we get weekday based on given date in unix shell shell

How can we get weekday based on given date in unix

Very simple. Just use the date command itself with correct options.

$ date -j -f '%m-%d-%Y' "09-01-2017" +'%A'Friday

If you have your date like this:


you need to reformat it to "YYYY-MM-DD"

date -d $(echo $d|awk -F- '{print $3 "-" $1 "-" $2}') +%A # DOW 

DayOfWeek=$(date +%A)

This would yield the day of week monday-sundayIf your input date is strictly in the format MM-DD-YYYY, use the following

IFS='-' read -ra ADDR <<< "09-01-2017"formattedDate=${ADDR[2]}-${ADDR[0]}-${ADDR[1]}date -d  $formattedDate +%A

The first line tokenizes the components of the date and the second rearranges them