How to convert Linux's shell output to HTML? How to convert Linux's shell output to HTML? shell shell

How to convert Linux's shell output to HTML?

There's ansifilter plus some tools like highlight will produce colorized html from plain text such as source files.

Both available here.

Yes, you need to pipe the result through a tool like ansi2html.

Without any pretty-printing, the simplest thing you can always do is to escape everything that needs escaping, and wrap a basic HTML shell around (the following should be valid minimal HTML5). For example, get a hold of fastesc:, and that wrap it into an HTML shell.

If you want to preserve the ANSI magic, then you need to convert that to HTML, perhaps with

And then do something like this, depending on your needs:

require 'ansisys'def ansi_escape(string)    terminal =    terminal.echo(string)    terminal.render enddef to_html(string)    %Q{ <!DOCTYPE html>        <title>Converted to html</title>        <pre>        #{ansi_escape(string)}        </pre>    } end