How to execute a script remotely in Python using SSH? How to execute a script remotely in Python using SSH? shell shell

How to execute a script remotely in Python using SSH?

The code below will do what you want and you can adapt it to your execute function:

from paramiko import SSHClienthost="hostname"user="username"client = SSHClient()client.load_system_host_keys()client.connect(host, username=user)stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('./')print "stderr: ", stderr.readlines()print "pwd: ", stdout.readlines()

Note, though, that commands will default to your $HOME directory, so you'll either need to have in your $PATH or (most likely) you'll need to cd to the directory that contains the script.

You can check your default path with:

stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('getconf PATH')print "PATH: ", stdout.readlines()

However, if it is not in your path you can cd and execute the script like this:

stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('(cd /path/to/files; ./')print "stderr: ", stderr.readlines()print "pwd: ", stdout.readlines()

If the script is not in your$PATH you'll need to use ./ instead of, just like you would if you were on the command line.

If you are still having problems after everything above it might also be good to check the permissions of the file, too:

stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('ls -la')print "permissions: ", stdout.readlines()

ssh = paramiko.client.SSHClient()ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.client.AutoAddPolicy())ssh.connect(hostname=host, username=username, password = password)chan = ssh.invoke_shell()def run_cmd(cmd):        print('='*30)    print('[CMD]', cmd)    chan.send(cmd + '\n')    time.sleep(2)    buff = ''    while chan.recv_ready():        print('Reading buffer')        resp = chan.recv(9999)        buff = resp.decode()        print(resp.decode())        if 'password' in buff:            time.sleep(1)            chan.send(password + '\n')                time.sleep(2)    print('Command was successful: ' + cmd)

subprocess.Popen('ssh thehost')

See the subprocess module.