How to get know when a file is added to a directory? How to get know when a file is added to a directory? shell shell

How to get know when a file is added to a directory?

Well, I'll go with overkill (is there such thing?) and suggest the utilities from the inotify-tools package.

More specifically the inotifywait tool:

# inotifywait -m /tmpSetting up watches.  Watches established./tmp/ OPEN,ISDIR /tmp/ CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE,ISDIR ...

Pipe its output through grep and send it to a Bash loop or something. Voila!


Here's a quick & dirty one-liner:

inotifywait -m /tmp 2>/dev/null | grep --line-buffered '/tmp/ CREATE' | while read; do echo update | mail -s "/tmp updated"; done

In this answer I list three Ruby libraries that let you watch a directory for changes. A script using one of these libraries and a mail library (like Pony) would be rather simple.

Using my library and Pony a script might be as simple as:

require 'directorywatcher'require 'pony'# Only watch every two minutesmy_watcher = 'uploads', 120 )my_watcher.on_add = do |file_name,info|  Pony.mail(    via:         :smtp,    via_options: { address: '', domain:'' },    from:        "Upload Notifier <>",    to:          "",    subject:     "New File Uploaded!",    body:        "A new file '#{file_name}' was just uploaded on #{info[:date]}"  )endmy_watcher.start_watching.join # Join the thread