How to invoke an oozie workflow via shell script and block/wait till workflow completion How to invoke an oozie workflow via shell script and block/wait till workflow completion shell shell

How to invoke an oozie workflow via shell script and block/wait till workflow completion

You can do that by using the job id then start a loop and parsing the output of oozie info. Below is the shell code for same.

Start oozie job

oozie_job_id=$(oozie job -oozie http://<oozie-server>/oozie -config -run );echo $oozie_job_id;sleep 30;

Parse job id from output. Here job_id format is "job: jobid"

job_id=$(echo $oozie_job_id | sed -n 's/job: \(.*\)/\1/p');echo $job_id;

check job status at regular interval, if its Running or not

while [ true ]do   job_status=$(oozie job --oozie http://<oozie-server>/oozie -info $job_id | sed -n 's/Status\(.*\): \(.*\)/\2/p');    if [ "$job_status" != "RUNNING" ];    then        echo "Job is completed with status $job_status";        break;    fi    #this sleep depends on you job, please change the value accordingly    echo "sleeping for 5 minutes";    sleep 5mdone 

This is basic way to do it, you can modify it as per you use case.

To upload workflow definition to HDFS use the following command :

hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal -f workflow.xml /user/hdfs/workflows/workflow.xml

To fire up Oozie job you need these two commands at the belowPlease Notice that to write each on a single line.

JOB_ID=$(oozie job -oozie http://<oozie-server>/oozie -config -submit)

oozie job -oozie http://<oozie-server>/oozie -start ${JOB_ID#*:} -config

You need to parse result coming from below command when the returning result = 0 otherwise it's a failure. Simply loop with sleep X amount of time after each trial.

oozie job -oozie http://<oozie-server>/oozie -info ${JOB_ID#*:}

echo $? //shows whether command executed successfully or not