How to make zsh `run-help` to ignore `sudo` and get help about the following command How to make zsh `run-help` to ignore `sudo` and get help about the following command shell shell

How to make zsh `run-help` to ignore `sudo` and get help about the following command

Yes, you can. Run the following lines or add them to your .zshrc.

autoload -U run-helpautoload run-help-sudo

from zsh wiki:

[run-help] can be further customized by defining helper functions of the form run-help-command.

There are other helper functions, as of version 5.0.8:

  • run-help-git
  • run-help-ip
  • run-help-openssl
  • run-help-p4
  • run-help-sudo
  • run-help-svk
  • run-help-svn

If you are running a Debian, you can find all helper functions function by:

dpkg -L zsh-common | grep run-help