How to read output of sed into a variable How to read output of sed into a variable shell shell

How to read output of sed into a variable

You can use command substitution as:

new_filename=$(echo "$a" | sed 's/.txt/.log/')

or the less recommended backtick way:

new_filename=`echo "$a" | sed 's/.txt/.log/'`

You can use backticks to assign the output of a command to a variable:

logfile=`echo $a | sed 's/.txt/.log/'`

That's assuming you're using Bash.

Alternatively, for this particular problem Bash has pattern matching constructs itself:




The % in the last example will ensure only the last .txt is replaced.

The simplest way is


If it should be allowed that the filename in $a has more than one occurrence of .txt in it, use the following solution. Its more safe. It only changes the last occurrence of .txt
