How to set multiple values with helm? How to set multiple values with helm? shell shell

How to set multiple values with helm?

According to, you set multiple values using curly braces, for example:

--set foo={a,b,c}

So, in your case it would be like this

--set aws.subnets={subnet-123456,subnet-654321}

The CLI format and limitations can vary depending on what would be expected in a YAML version. For example, if the YAML manifest requires fields to be populated with a list of values the YAML would look like this:

field:  - value1  - value2  - value3 

This would be expressed in the helm CLI like so

--set field[0]=value1 --set field[1]=value2 --set field[2]=value3

The documentation also refers to --set field={value1,value2,value3} working. In some cases that results in Error: This command needs 1 argument: chart name which is why I provide the above suggestion

There are also limitations to what characters may be used per the documentation:

You can use a backslash to escape the characters; --set name="value1\,value2" will become:

name: "value1,value2"

With this change being merged, Helm now supports using multiple --set command with helm install command.

Taking from the link mentioned above:

Manually tested, and looks awesome!

  helm install --dry-run --debug docs/examples/alpine \  --set foo=bar \  --set bar=baz,baz=lurman \  --set foo=bananaSERVER: "localhost:44134"CHART PATH: /Users/mattbutcher/Code/Go/src/   masked-monkeyREVISION: 1RELEASED: Thu Jan 12 17:09:07 2017CHART: alpine-0.1.0USER-SUPPLIED VALUES:bar: bazbaz: lurmanfoo: bananaCOMPUTED VALUES:Name: my-alpinebar: bazbaz: lurmanfoo: banana...

As expected, the last --set overrode the first --set.

P.S: Upgrade your Helm version in case this doesn't work for you. It worked perfectly for me with Helm-v3.0.1.