Is there a menu like interactive commit for SVN like Git has with --interactive? Is there a menu like interactive commit for SVN like Git has with --interactive? shell shell

Is there a menu like interactive commit for SVN like Git has with --interactive?

Bad news is that there is no such thing as interactive command line prompt for svn. Good news is that you can write your own and be the first to come up with such a useful tool.

I don't think you have that kind of feature in the CLI (Command Line Interface, ie "with a shell command") of SVN.

Of course, you have some of it in a GUI like TortoiseSVN (Windows) or RabbitVCS (Linux), but this is a graphical solution, not a command-line one (so again, not a shell Command).

Graphically, the enhanced commit looks like:

graphical commit

in spirit of altem's answer, i just did:

# collect a list modified filessvn st > use your favourite editor (although it is vim, right?) # to edit list into suitable svn command or commandsvim execute. ~/

and made a command to commit a selection of files

gad that is ugly

but easier than doing multiple svn ci commits and svn st