Kill hive queries without exiting from hive shell Kill hive queries without exiting from hive shell shell shell

Kill hive queries without exiting from hive shell

You have two options:

  1. press Ctrl+C and wait till command terminates, it will not exit from hive CLI, press Ctrl+C second time and the session will terminate immediately exiting to the shell

  2. from another shell run

    yarn application -kill <Application ID> or mapred job -kill <JOB_ID>

Go with the second option

yarn application -kill <Application ID>. Get the application ID by getting onto another session. This is the only way I think you would be able to kill the current query. I do use via beeline on hortonwork framework.

First, look for Job ID by:

hadoop job -list

And then kill it by ID:

hadoop job -kill <JOB_ID>