MongoDB remove GridFS objects from shell MongoDB remove GridFS objects from shell shell shell

MongoDB remove GridFS objects from shell

You can delete gridFS file by deleting both chunks and files from shell. for example


Those commands will do such trick.

You want to use db.fs.delete(_id); instead.

UpdateSorry, that apparently doesn't work from the shell, only through the driver. GridFS is a specification for storage implemented by the drivers. Looks like it doesn't have much built-in functionality from the shell, as such.

Update 2 There is also a command line tool, mongofiles (, which allows you to delete files by name. mongofiles delete <filename>. It comes with a warning that it will delete all of the files by that name, so it's not as granular as by id.

mongofiles --host localhost:30000 --db logo delete logo_susan1225.png

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