Oh-my-posh themes not working correctly with Powerline font and ConEmu Oh-my-posh themes not working correctly with Powerline font and ConEmu shell shell

Oh-my-posh themes not working correctly with Powerline font and ConEmu

When you see boxes, that means that the font doesn't have that specified character. e.g. there are a lot of specialized fonts that don't have every character location defined.

Right on the oh-my-posh GitHub page, Quote:

In case you notice weird glyphs after installing a font of choice,make sure the glyphs are available (maybe they have a differentlocation in the font, if so, adjust the correct $ThemeSettings icon).If it turns out the character you want is not supported, select adifferent font.

Also on the oh-my-posh GitHub page, the font used is:

The fonts I use are Powerline fonts, there is a great repositorycontaining them. I use Meslo LG M Regular for Powerline Nerd Font

If using Meslo LG M Regular doesn't solve your problem, then you have to manually remap the icons to the correct unicode locations in your chosen font.

For Version 2 of Oh My Posh, you have to edit the $ThemeSettings variable. Follow the instructions on the GitHub on configuring Theme Settings. e.g.:

$ThemeSettings.GitSymbols.BranchSymbol = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0xE0A0) 

For Version 3+ of Oh My Posh, you have to edit the JSON configuration file to make the changes, e.g.:

...{    "type": "git",    "style": "powerline",    "powerline_symbol": "\uE0B0",....

I faced the same issue and solved it by editing the following file: C:\Path\To\Your\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\oh-my-posh\2.0.496\defaults.ps1

Within PromptSymbols, there should be something called VirtualEnvSymbol. Just change the value from the current one to something from the above listed ones. For example,

VirtualEnvSymbol = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x26A1)

I've encounter the same problem and was solved installing the fonts.

  1. Download the fonts at https://github.com/microsoft/cascadia-code/releases
  2. Unzip
  3. Right click on the font and select "Install the font for all users"enter image description here
  4. Enjoy !

From : https://github.com/microsoft/cascadia-code