oh-my-zsh error after upgrade: ~/.oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh:3: parse error near `then' oh-my-zsh error after upgrade: ~/.oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh:3: parse error near `then' shell shell

oh-my-zsh error after upgrade: ~/.oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh:3: parse error near `then'

Etan Reisner help me out with his commentary.You need a space between the " and the ]] in that if line.

So I just add a space :') and fix the warning! :P

for d in $fpath; do    if [[ -e "$url/d-quote-magic" ]]; then                                                                                                         autoload -U url-quote-magic        zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic    fidone

Thanks again! :)

Use upgrade_oh_my_zsh upgrade to the latest version.

This issue fix here

According to their Wiki on GitHub it is possible to overwrite internal lib/*.zsh files through creating a corresponding $ZSH_CUSTOM/lib/*.zsh:

It's not documented in the Customization page, but $ZSH_CUSTOM/lib/*.zsh do override the corresponding internals lib files. If a custom one is present, it is sourced instead of the one in the distribution.