Parallel processing from a command queue on Linux (bash, python, ruby... whatever) Parallel processing from a command queue on Linux (bash, python, ruby... whatever) shell shell

Parallel processing from a command queue on Linux (bash, python, ruby... whatever)

On the shell, xargs can be used to queue parallel command processing. For example, for having always 3 sleeps in parallel, sleeping for 1 second each, and executing 10 sleeps in total do

echo {1..10} | xargs -d ' ' -n1 -P3 sh -c 'sleep 1s' _

And it would sleep for 4 seconds in total. If you have a list of names, and want to pass the names to commands executed, again executing 3 commands in parallel, do

cat names | xargs -n1 -P3 process_name

Would execute the command process_name alice, process_name bob and so on.

I would imagine you could do this using make and the make -j xx command.

Perhaps a makefile like this

all : usera userb userc....usera:       imapsync userauserb:       imapsync userb....

make -j 10 -f makefile

Parallel is made exatcly for this purpose.

cat userlist | parallel imapsync

One of the beauties of Parallel compared to other solutions is that it makes sure output is not mixed. Doing traceroute in Parallel works fine for example:

(echo; echo; echo | parallel traceroute