Parsing for data in HTML using XPath (in a shell script) Parsing for data in HTML using XPath (in a shell script) shell shell

Parsing for data in HTML using XPath (in a shell script)

Quick and dirty solution...

xmllint --html -xpath "//table/tbody/tr[6]/td[2]" page.html

You can find the xpath of your node using Chrome and the Developer Tools. When inspecting the node, right click on it and select copy XPath.

I wouldn't use this too much, this is not very reliable.

All the information on your page can be found elsewhere: run whois on your own IP for instance...

You could use my Xidel. Extracting values from html pages in the cli is its main purpose. Although it is not a standard tool, it is a single, dependency-free binary, and can be installed/run without being root.

It can directly read the value from the webpage without involving other programs.

With XPath:

 xidel -e '//td[text()="Internet Provider"]/following-sibling::td'

Or with pattern-matching:

 xidel -e '<td>Internet Provider</td><td>{.}</td>' --hide-variable-names

Consider on using PhantomJs. It is a headless WebKit, which allows you to execute JavaScript/CoffeeScript on a web page. I think it could help you solve your issue.

Pjscrape is a useful web scraping tool based on PhantomJs.