passing multiple dates as a paramters to Hive query passing multiple dates as a paramters to Hive query shell shell

passing multiple dates as a paramters to Hive query

Collect array of distinct values using collect_set and concatenate it with delimiter ','. This will produce list without outer quotes 2009-02-01','2009-04-01 and in the second script add outer quotes ' also, or you can add them in the first query. And when executing in inline sql (-e option) you do not need to pass hiveconf variable, direct shell variable substitution will work. Use hiveconf when you are executing script from file (-f option)

Working example (use your table instead of stack):

date_list=$(hive -S -e "select concat_ws('\\',\\'',collect_set(substr(dt,0,10))) from (select stack (2,'2017-01', '2017-02')as dt)s ;")hive -e "select * from (select stack (2,'2017-01', '2017-02')as dt)s where dt in ('${date_list}');"



2017-012017-02Time taken: 1.221 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s)