pipe stdout and stderr to two different processes in shell script? pipe stdout and stderr to two different processes in shell script? shell shell

pipe stdout and stderr to two different processes in shell script?

Use another file descriptor

{ command1 2>&3 | command2; } 3>&1 1>&2 | command3

You can use up to 7 other file descriptors: from 3 to 9.
If you want more explanation, please ask, I can explain ;-)


{ { echo a; echo >&2 b; } 2>&3 | sed >&2 's/$/1/'; } 3>&1 1>&2 | sed 's/$/2/'




Produce two log files:
1. stderr only
2. stderr and stdout

{ { { command 2>&1 1>&3; } | tee err-only.log; } 3>&1; } > err-and-stdout.log

If command is echo "stdout"; echo "stderr" >&2 then we can test it like that:

$ { { { echo out>&3;echo err>&1;}| tee err-only.log;} 3>&1;} > err-and-stdout.log$ head err-only.log err-and-stdout.log==> err-only.log <==err==> err-and-stdout.log <==outerr

The accepted answer results in the reversing of stdout and stderr. Here's a method that preserves them (since Googling on that purpose brings up this post):

{ command 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | stderr_command; } 3>&1 1>&2 | stdout_command


  • 3>&- is required to prevent fd 3 from being inherited by command. (As this can lead to unexpected results depending on what command does inside.)

Parts explained:

  1. Outer part first:

    1. 3>&1 -- fd 3 for { ... } is set to what fd 1 was (i.e. stdout)
    2. 1>&2 -- fd 1 for { ... } is set to what fd 2 was (i.e. stderr)
    3. | stdout_command -- fd 1 (was stdout) is piped through stdout_command
  2. Inner part inherits file descriptors from the outer part:

    1. 2>&1 -- fd 2 for command is set to what fd 1 was (i.e. stderr as per outer part)
    2. 1>&3 -- fd 1 for command is set to what fd 3 was (i.e. stdout as per outer part)
    3. 3>&- -- fd 3 for command is set to nothing (i.e. closed)
    4. | stderr_command -- fd 1 (was stderr) is piped through stderr_command


foo() {    echo a    echo b >&2    echo c    echo d >&2}{ foo 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | sed -u 's/^/err: /'; } 3>&1 1>&2 | sed -u 's/^/out: /'


out: aerr: berr: dout: c

(Order of a -> c and b -> d will always be indeterminate because there's no form of synchronization between stderr_command and stdout_command.)

Using process substitution:

command1 > >(command2) 2> >(command3)

See http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/process-sub.html for more info.