Redirect outputs of multiple commands to a file Redirect outputs of multiple commands to a file shell shell

Redirect outputs of multiple commands to a file

exec >file1   # redirect all output to file1echo "Line of text1"echo "Line of text2"exec > /dev/tty  # direct output back to the terminal 

Or, if you are on a machine that doesn't have /dev/tty, you can do:

exec 5>&1 > file1  # copy current output and redirect output to file1 echo fooecho barexec 1>&5 5>&-  # restore original output and close the copy

If you don't need to run your commands in a subshell, you could use { ... } > file:

{ echo "Line of text 1" && echo "Line of text 2" && complexthing | xargs printf "complexspecifier"; } > file1

Note that you need a space after { and a semicolon before }, unless you have an & or a newline after the last command.

Figured it out. You can use parenthesis around the commands, then append >file1:

(echo "Line of text 1" && echo "Line of text 2" && complexthing | xargs printf "complexspecifier") >file1