Renaming the trash command of trash-cli? Renaming the trash command of trash-cli? shell shell

Renaming the trash command of trash-cli?

Perhaps go the 'UNIX way' and adopt as short a name as possible.

tf? - although the objection that it also handles directories remains.

Note that the word 'trash' is perceived in Britain to be an Americanism. I'm not sure about other English speaking countries. Apple clearly didn't care about non-American sensibilities when they named the Trash Can. I guess Red Hat didn't either (or just followed Apple's cue).

Why not have a single command with different arguments for the actions you want?

trash list
trash empty
trash restore {<file>}*

I realize this goes against the UNIX-way in the strictest sense, however, they are all operations on a single object, so I'd make the argument there should be one command for this rather than a group of commands.

As far as renaming "trash" to something else, really? Wow, I think "trash" is actually pretty intuitive compared to the alternatives. Some alternatives:

  • trashcan, or simply tc
  • wastebasket, or simply wb

trash-put (for brevity and clarity) or trash-this (for ease of typing, as this is made up of readily-typed characters -- especially to an OO programmer ;-)