Replace whole line containing a string using Sed Replace whole line containing a string using Sed shell shell

Replace whole line containing a string using Sed

You can use the change command to replace the entire line, and the -i flag to make the changes in-place. For example, using GNU sed:

sed -i '/TEXT_TO_BE_REPLACED/c\This line is removed by the admin.' /tmp/foo

You need to use wildards (.*) before and after to replace the whole line:

sed 's/.*TEXT_TO_BE_REPLACED.*/This line is removed by the admin./'

The Answer above:

sed -i '/TEXT_TO_BE_REPLACED/c\This line is removed by the admin.' /tmp/foo

Works fine if the replacement string/line is not a variable.

The issue is that on Redhat 5 the \ after the c escapes the $. A double \\ did not work either (at least on Redhat 5).

Through hit and trial, I discovered that the \ after the c is redundant if your replacement string/line is only a single line. So I did not use \ after the c, used a variable as a single replacement line and it was joy.

The code would look something like:


Note the use of double quotes instead of single quotes.