Run Bash Commands from Mono C# Run Bash Commands from Mono C# shell shell

Run Bash Commands from Mono C#

This works best for me because now I do not have to worry about escaping quotes etc...

using System;using System.Diagnostics;class HelloWorld{    static void Main()    {        // lets say we want to run this command:            //  t=$(echo 'this is a test'); echo "$t" | grep -o 'is a'        var output = ExecuteBashCommand("t=$(echo 'this is a test'); echo \"$t\" | grep -o 'is a'");        // output the result        Console.WriteLine(output);    }    static string ExecuteBashCommand(string command)    {        // according to:        // thans to this we will pass everything as one command        command = command.Replace("\"","\"\"");        var proc = new Process        {            StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo            {                FileName = "/bin/bash",                Arguments = "-c \""+ command + "\"",                UseShellExecute = false,                RedirectStandardOutput = true,                CreateNoWindow = true            }        };        proc.Start();        proc.WaitForExit();        return proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();    }}

This works for me:

Process.Start("/bin/bash", "-c \"echo 'Hello World!'\"");

My guess is that your working directory is not where you expect it to be.

See here for more information on the working directory of Process.Start()

also your command seems wrong, use && to execute multiple commands:

  proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "-c cd Desktop && mkdir hey";

Thirdly you are setting your working directory wrongly:

 proc.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = "/home";