Sender and receiver to transfer files over ssh on request? Sender and receiver to transfer files over ssh on request? shell shell

Sender and receiver to transfer files over ssh on request?

I found a solution from another angle. Since version 3.9, OpenSSH supports session multiplexing: a single connection can carry multiple login or file transfer sessions. This avoids the set-up cost per connection.

For the case of the question, I can first open a connection with sets up a control master (-M) with a socket (-S) in a specific location. I don't need a session (-N).

ssh user@host -M -S /tmp/%r@%h:%p -N

Next, I can invoke scp for each file and instruct it to use the same socket:

scp -o 'ControlPath /tmp/%r@%h:%p' <file> user@host:<remotefile>

This command starts copying almost instantaneously!

You can also use the control socket for normal ssh connections, which will then open immediately:

ssh user@host -S /tmp/%r@%h:%p

If the control socket is no longer available (e.g. because you killed the master), this falls back to a normal connection. More information is available in this article.

It might work to use sftp instead of scp, and to place it into batch mode. Make the batch command file a pipe or UNIX domain socket and feed commands to it as you want them executed.

Security on this might be a little tricky at the client end.

Have you tried sshfs?You could:

sshfs remote_user@remote_host:/remote_dir /mnt/local_dir


  • /remote_dir was the directory you want to send files to on the system you are sshing into
  • /mnt/local_dir was the local mount location

With this setup you can just cp a file into the local_dir and it would be sent over sftp to remote_host in its remote_dir

Note that there is a single connection, so there is little in the way of overhead

You may need to use the flag -o ServerAliveInterval=15 to maintain an indefinite connection

You will need to have fuse installed locally and an SSH server supporting (and configured for) sftp