Spark Job Keep on Running Spark Job Keep on Running shell shell

Spark Job Keep on Running

You can achieve this by couple of ways

1)You can run the spark submit driver process in background using nohupEg:

nohup  ./spark-submit --class  customer.core.classname \  --master yarn --numexecutors 2 \  --driver-memory 2g --executor-memory 2g --executor-cores 1 \  /home/hdfs/Test/classname-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-SNAPSHOT.jar \  newdata host:6667 &

2)Run in deploy mode as cluster so that driver process runs in different node.

I think this question is more about shell than spark,

To keep an application running, even when closing the shell, tou should add & at the end of your command. So your spark-submit command will be (just add the & to the end)

./spark-submit --class  customer.core.classname --master yarn --numexecutors 2 --driver-memory 2g --executor-memory 2g --executor-cores 1 /home/hdfs/Test/classname-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-SNAPSHOT.jar newdata host:6667 &[1] 28299

You still get the logs and output messages, unless you redirected them

hope I understand the question. In general, if you want a process to keep running you can create a process file that will run in the background. in your case, the job will continue running until you specifically kill it using yarn -kill. so even if you kill the spark submit it will continue to run since yarn is managing it after submission.