sqlite3 shell command '.backup' and transaction sqlite3 shell command '.backup' and transaction shell shell

sqlite3 shell command '.backup' and transaction

The sqlite3 backup method does not lock the database. I would suggest to use the following workaround if you would like to lock the database:

  • Start a transaction (shared lock)
  • By using any INSERT statement, the database gets a reserved lock. However, this INSERT statement can be empty.
  • Backup the database.
  • End the transaction by using a ROLLBACK or COMMIT.


BEGIN;INSERT INTO <anytable> SELECT * FROM <anytable> WHERE 1=0;.backup <database> <file>ROLLBACK;

A less hacky way would be if you are using a table named 'backup' and you are inserting a row (date,..) for each copy (if this information is relevant for you).