Syntax error: redirection unexpected [duplicate] Syntax error: redirection unexpected [duplicate] shell shell

Syntax error: redirection unexpected [duplicate]

This answer solves your problem, assuming that your script snippet is complete.

In brief, you are running your script through dash, not bash. The solution is as simple as adding the necessary #!/bin/bash

What a system runs by default if the #! is missing varies from system to system. On my system, I don't get your error because a shell that understands your redirections is run by default. I've had to simulate the case where dash would be the default shell to reproduce your error.

Assuming you run your script with ./myscript, make sure your scripts starts with


and not #!/bin/sh or anything else. The error suggests that another shell than Bash is used.

If your script indeed do, check that /bin/bash is not a symbolic link and that it indeed is Bash with /bin/bash --version .