Trying to edit a property file in jar from a ear file. Best way to do it? Trying to edit a property file in jar from a ear file. Best way to do it? shell shell

Trying to edit a property file in jar from a ear file. Best way to do it?

Using TrueZIP 7, you could use something like this:

public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {    // Remember to add the following dependencies to the class path:    // Compile time artifactId(s): truezip-file    // Run time artifactId(s): truezip-kernel, truezip-driver-file, truezip-driver-zip    TFile.setDefaultArchiveDetector(new TDefaultArchiveDetector("ear|jar|war"));    search(new TFile(args[0])); // e.g. "my.ear"    TFile.umount(); // commit changes}private void search(TFile entry) throws IOException {    if (entry.isDirectory()) {        for (TFile member : dir.listFiles())            search(member);    } else if (entry.isFile()) {        if (entry.getName().endsWith(".properties");            update(entry);    } // else is special file or non-existent}private void update(TFile file) throws IOException {    Properties properties = new Properties();    InputStream in = new TFileInputStream(file);    try {        properties.load(in);    } finally {        in.close();    }    // [your updates here]    OutputStream out = new TFileOutputStream(file);    try {, "updated");    } finally {        out.close();    }}

I used the answer from @Christian Schlichtherle to get me started on what I was trying to accomplish, but the usage of True Zip has changed quite a bit. I thought I'd post what I needed to do here to hopefully help someone.

You need to create a class that extends TApplication. In my case I'm making it abstract so I can reuse the setup code in my implementing logic classes.

import de.schlichtherle.truezip.file.TApplication;import de.schlichtherle.truezip.file.TArchiveDetector;import de.schlichtherle.truezip.file.TConfig;import;import;import;/** * An abstract class which configures the TrueZIP Path module. */abstract class Application<E extends Exception> extends TApplication<E> {    /**     * Runs the setup phase.     * <p>     * This method is {@link #run run} only once at the start of the life     * cycle.     */    @Override    protected void setup() {        TConfig.get().setArchiveDetector(                new TArchiveDetector(                    TArchiveDetector.NULL,                    new Object[][] {                        { "zip", new ZipDriver(IOPoolLocator.SINGLETON)},                        { "ear|jar|war", new JarDriver(IOPoolLocator.SINGLETON)},                    }));        }}

Then you just extend the abstract class and implement the "work" method as shown.

import;import;import;import java.util.Properties;import java.util.ServiceConfigurationError;import de.schlichtherle.truezip.file.TFile;import de.schlichtherle.truezip.file.TFileInputStream;import de.schlichtherle.truezip.file.TFileOutputStream;public class ChangeProperty extends Application<IOException> {    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {        try {            System.exit(new ChangeProperty().run(args));        } catch (ServiceConfigurationError e) {            // Ignore this error because what we wanted to accomplish has been done.        }    }    private void search(TFile entry) throws IOException {        System.out.println("Scanning: " + entry);        if (entry.isDirectory()) {            for (TFile member : entry.listFiles())                search(member);        } else if (entry.isFile()) {            if (entry.getName().endsWith(".properties")) {                update(entry);            }        }    }    private void update(TFile file) throws IOException {        System.out.println("Updating: " + file);        Properties properties = new Properties();        InputStream in = new TFileInputStream(file);        try {            properties.load(in);        } finally {            in.close();        }        // [your updates here]        // For example: properties.setProperty(key, newValue);        OutputStream out = new TFileOutputStream(file);        try {  , "updated by loggerlevelchanger");        } finally {            out.close();        }    }    @Override    protected int work(String[] args) throws IOException {        search(new TFile(args[0]));        return 0;    }}