(unix shell scripting) Unzip multiple zip files, rename unzipped file following zip file name (unix shell scripting) Unzip multiple zip files, rename unzipped file following zip file name shell shell

(unix shell scripting) Unzip multiple zip files, rename unzipped file following zip file name

for i in *.zip; do    mkdir "$i-dir"    cd "$i-dir"    unzip "../$i"    for j in *; do        mv "$j" "$i.${j##*.}"    done    cd ..done

If dropping everything after the first underscore in the file name is important than the mv line should be:

mv "$j" "${i%%_*}.${j##*.}"

And to have that dropping work even when no underscore is present in the zip file name use:

i=${i%.zip}; mv "$j" "${i%%_*}.${j##*.}"

And to keep the files all in the top-level directory prefix ../ to the mv target filename.

A few small changes:

  1. Quote variables to deal with the spaces in file names.
  2. Use unzip -Z -1 to get a listing of the files in the archive to avoid using awk (which is printing just the final part of names with spaces).
  3. Since unzip -Z -1 splits records by line, we set the IFS to '\n' so records split properly.
  4. Replace the underscore in the move to a dot so .zip extension is removed.

New script is:

IFS=$'\n'for i in *.zipdo   for n in $(unzip -Z -1 "$i"); do        echo "$i - $n"       e=${n#*.}       unzip "$i" "$n" && mv "$n" ${i%%.*}".$e"   donedone

Note that this script assumes you've only got one of each file extension in your zip. If that's not true, you'll need to handle duplicate files in some fashion.

Output after running:

48891721241592__5123.pdf  48891721241592__5123.zip  759198298412.docs  759198298412.pdf  759198298412.txt  759198298412.zip

for zip in *.zip; do    zip_filename="${zip%%.*}"    unzip "${zip}" -d "${zip_filename}-dir"    for file in "${zip_filename}-dir"/*.*; do        extension="${file##*.}"                 new_name="${zip_filename}.${extension}"        mv "${file}" "${new_name}"    done    rmdir "${zip_filename}-dir"    # delete the zip file    # rm "${zip}"done

The script basically just unzips the files to a new temporary directory, it then renames all the files in the new directory and moves them out of the directory, and finally it deletes the temporary directory.