unoconv not working on ubuntu 12.04 server unoconv not working on ubuntu 12.04 server shell shell

unoconv not working on ubuntu 12.04 server

I fixed the above issue by installing latest version of unoconv. I tried updating libreoffice and installing complete version, neither helped.

I was using unoconv 0.3, and the latest available version is 0.6. So I installed the latest one and it solved the issue.

Here is the steps i followed:

  1. apt-get remove --purge unoconv (remove the old unoconv first)
  2. git clone latest version of unoconv from github.)

  3. now cd to unoconv directory and do sudo make install

Note: pls do git clone, dont download the tar file. In my case the installation failed when I downloaded the tar.

I had the same general problem after doing apt-get install unoconv, an additional apt-get install libreoffice fixed it. Probably your limited install of only some libreoffice components is the reason it only works for some formats. Certainly I would expect it to need libreoffice-impress for ppt conversion?