Whats the difference between $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation and $pwd in Powershell? Whats the difference between $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation and $pwd in Powershell? shell shell

Whats the difference between $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation and $pwd in Powershell?

PS C:\> $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocationPath----C:\PS C:\> $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.GetType().FullNameSystem.Management.Automation.PathInfoPS C:\> $PWDPath----C:\PS C:\> $PWD.GetType().FullNameSystem.Management.Automation.PathInfo

So, basically the difference is that $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation requires significantly more typing than $PWD.

It is true that $pwd gets its value from $ExecutionContext.

The key difference between these two variables is $pwd can be overwritten, but $ExecutionContext is Constant (Readonly).

$ExecutionContext is intended to mimic the interface available to the cmdlet author. $pwd is just a convenient way to get current path.

So, it is recommended to use $ExecutionContext if you need to get the path without worrying anyone may messing up the value of $pwd.

$ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation and $PWD actually have difference.

When you use $PWD in fact you will get result of $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation ,

whereas if you use $ExecutionContext you will get more property about execution context .