When in Vim insert mode, is there a way to add filepath autocompletion? When in Vim insert mode, is there a way to add filepath autocompletion? shell shell

When in Vim insert mode, is there a way to add filepath autocompletion?

For file name omni completion, you can use:


There's ctrl-x ctrl-f

:he compl-filename

To build on @CMS and @michael excellent answers

When using ctrl+X ctrl+f command sequence it will display a list of files in the current directory. I spend a minute looking for the right key to move up and down between the different filenames. The correct keys are Ctrl-n and Ctrl-p. You can use almost any other key (like Space) to select and continue typing.

In addition, if you are not already at the file/directory you would like to insert, you can go down a file tree structure as follows:

  1. Optionally enter some part of the directory. You can even use ../../ for example!
  2. Press ctrl+X ctrl+f and select the first item in the tree from the list.
  3. Next press ctrl+f again while the correct item is highlighted to display a list of the next level down the directory tree structure.

You can keep doing this until you find the directory/file you would like to insert in the document.