Why does Fish shell have dark blue as the default color for directories Why does Fish shell have dark blue as the default color for directories shell shell

Why does Fish shell have dark blue as the default color for directories

I realized my mistake was with iTerm and not with Fish.

Press CMD+i with an iTerm window open, then click the Colors tab and set it something nicer.

enter image description here

Not sure why this problem didn't show up before, but it seems like it was triggered by the new Fish installation.

Technically that isn't fish doing the coloring. It's the ls command. However, fish does wrap the command in a ls function which tells the command to color the output and use the colors specified by the dircolors command if it is installed. If you don't want the coloring you can create your own ls function that omits the --color=auto flag. Or you can define your own $LS_COLORS env var to keep from using the colors provided by dircolors.

Just add alias ls="ls" to your ~/.config/fish/config.fish file.if you don't have config.fish on your fish directory, create it!

This trick will change ls command's color to white.