Why doesn't tcpdump run in background? Why doesn't tcpdump run in background? shell shell

Why doesn't tcpdump run in background?

I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish by having the startup script itself continue to run, but here's an approach that I think accomplishes what you're trying to do, namely start tcpdump and have it continue to run immune to hangups via nohup. I've simplified things a bit for illustrative purposes - feel free to add any variables back as you see fit, such as the nohup.out output directory, TIMESTAMP, etc.

Script #1: tcpdump_start.sh

#!/bin/shrm -f nohup.outnohup /usr/sbin/tcpdump -ni eth0 -s 65535 -w file_result.pcap &# Write tcpdump's PID to a fileecho $! > /var/run/tcpdump.pid

Script #2: tcpdump_stop.sh

#!/bin/shif [ -f /var/run/tcpdump.pid ]then        kill `cat /var/run/tcpdump.pid`        echo tcpdump `cat /var/run/tcpdump.pid` killed.        rm -f /var/run/tcpdump.pidelse        echo tcpdump not running.fi

To start tcpdump, just run tcpdump_start.sh.
To stop the tcpdump instance started with tcpdump_start.sh, just run tcpdump_stop.sh.

The captured packets will be written to the file_result.pcap file, and yes, it's a pcap file, not a text file, so it helps to name it with the proper file extension. The tcpdump statistics will be written to the nohup.out file when tcpdump is terminated.

I too had faced problems when running tcpdump over an SSH session.In my case, I was running

sudo nohup tcpdump -w {pcap_dump_file} {filter} > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Where, running this command over Paramiko SSH session as a background process was the problem.

To get around this, I used screen utility of Linux.screen is an easy to use tool for long-running of processes as a service.