Xcode 10 beta error while building my project? Xcode 10 beta error while building my project? shell shell

Xcode 10 beta error while building my project?

I found a solution, if you are running your xcodebuild from terminal to an specific target (The Aggregate one) just add the OBJROOT="${OBJROOT}/DependentBuilds" example:

sudo xcodebuild -project YourProject.xcodeproj -target YourProject-Universal -destination "platform=iOS,name=generic/iOS" OBJROOT="${OBJROOT}/DependentBuilds"

I added the sudo to allow Xcode to create the DependentBuilds directory, but you can change your folder permission and it will work.


As I said with Legacy build system everything working fine but not with new build system.


Removed script and manually added SDK binary to my project tested with new build system works fine..

I am thinking with new build system when I am building SDK with help of script it's taking as two builds concurrently and throwing error.

I replaced -schema with -target and it worked nicely (might only work in my specific case though).