Autowiring based on generic types in Spring. How does it work? Autowiring based on generic types in Spring. How does it work? spring spring

Autowiring based on generic types in Spring. How does it work?

Erasure means that the information is gone from the runtime. It's still there in the compile-time information, which you can access through reflection. At a rough level, you can think of it that generic information about individual instances is erased, but generic information about classes is not.

For instance, here's a simple program that defines a generic method foo and then prints out the generic information about it from main:

import java.util.*;import java.lang.reflect.*;public class GenericReflection {  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    Method m = GenericReflection.class.getDeclaredMethod("foo");    System.out.println(m.getGenericReturnType());  }  public static List<String> foo() {    return null;  }}



As you can see, it's not too complex when you get down to it.

Method.getGenreicReturnType returns a java.lang.reflect.Type, which has a few subclasses. One is ParameterizedType, which has a method getActualTypeArguments that returns the actual types that this type is parameterized to. Those types might also be generic, of course, which is why it returns a Type[] and not Class[]. In the foo example above, it'd return an array with one element, representing String:

ParameterizedType pm = (ParameterizedType) m.getGenericReturnType();Type[] pmArgs = pm.getActualTypeArguments();System.out.println(Arrays.toString(pmArgs));

[class java.lang.String]

There are similar "generic" methods for Field.getGenericType. You can use this information to find out that List<String> is a List parameterized to String, which is exactly the information they need.

The most important details are in this article from the Spring Blog.

As you can see, all the magic is hidden inside the ResolvableType class whose Javadoc you can find here and its code can be found here (it's a pretty heavy reading :))