Cause of No suitable driver found for Cause of No suitable driver found for spring spring

Cause of No suitable driver found for

In order to have HSQLDB register itself, you need to access its jdbcDriver class. You can do this the same way as in this example.


It triggers static initialization of jdbcDriver class, which is:

static {    try {        DriverManager.registerDriver(new jdbcDriver());    } catch (Exception e) {}}

"no suitable driver" usually means that the syntax for the connection URL is incorrect.

Okay so here's the solution. Most everyone made really good points but none solved the problem (THANKS for the help). Here is the solution I found to work.

  1. Move jars from .../web-inf/lib to PROJECT_ROOT/lib
  2. Alter build path in eclipse to reflect this change.
  3. cleaned and rebuilt my project.
  4. ran the junit test and BOOM it worked!

My guess is that it had something to do with how Ganymede reads jars in the /web-inf/lib folder. But who knows... It works now.